Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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(herald error (env tsys))
;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Yale University
;;; Authors: N Adams, R Kelsey, D Kranz, J Philbin, J Rees.
;;; This material was developed by the T Project at the Yale University Computer
;;; Science Department. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it,
;;; and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restric-
;;; tions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to return
;;; to the T Project at Yale any improvements or extensions that they make,
;;; so that these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform
;;; the T Project of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this software
;;; shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
;;; of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. Yale has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and Yale is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
;;; there shall be no use of the name of the Yale University nor of any
;;; adaptation thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
;;; without prior written consent from Yale in each case.
;++ Someday we should include an explanitory index of error messages
;++ in the manual. In order to do this the errors should have
;++ reasonably short explanitory names.
;++ Errors really want to be printed with a prefix format. We really
;++ need something like Water's PP.
(define internal-error-notice
#.(format nil "~%~a~%~a~%~a~%~a~%"
"**** This is an internal error. Please inform the"
"**** implementors by sending mail to T3-BUGS@YALE."
;;; VM-ERROR is called only inside the Virtual Machine. It indicates
;;; that something is seriously amiss. If the Z-SYSTEM is present
;;; we try to use it to give an error message. If an error is
;;; encountered while the GUARD is set or if the Z-SYSTEM isn't
;;; present we punt to FATAL-ERROR which does whatever the local-os
;;; allows.
(define vm-error
(let ((guard nil)
(notice? '#t))
(lambda (type fmt . args)
(cond ((and (z-system-present?) (not guard))
(bind ((*z?* t)
(guard t))
(let ((out (error-output)))
(z-format out "~%** VM Error (~a): " type)
(apply z-format out fmt args)
(if notice? (vm-write-string out internal-error-notice))
(vm-force-output out)))
(bind ((notice? '#f))
;; punt to the machine debugger
(let ((out (error-output)))
(vm-newline out)
(vm-write-string out "** VM Error while reporting error!")
(vm-write-string out internal-error-notice)
;++ Move this to the local os hardware exception module.
;++ When the system is more robust (VM-ERROR-OUTPUT) should be
;++ a broadcast port which writes both to (ERROR-OUTPUT) and to
;++ (VM-ERROR-LOG) a file in the (THE-T-SYSTEM-DIRECTORY).
;++ A log entry should consist of (VM-VERSION), (DATE&TIME),
;++ and any arguments to the call to VM-LOG.
;(define (vm-log . args)
; (apply vm-write (vm-error-log) (vm-version) (date&time) args))
;;; Fatal error
;++ This routine should go to the machine debugger if it can.
;++ Someday maybe it will do a core dump (and/or checkpoint).
(define (fatal-error) (exit))
;;; This error is called if a hardware exception occurs while control
;;; is inside the critical region of the hardware exception handler.
;;; See the local os hardware exception module.
;;; Errors detected by ICALL
(define (icall-bad-proc p args)
(let* ((proc (or (identification p) p))
(fmt (cond ((not (reasonable? proc))
"attempt to call a corrupt datum~%**~10t~s")
((symbol? proc) ; Cater to the confused
"attempt to call a symbol or nonvalue~%**~10t~s")
"attempt to call a non-procedure~%**~10t~s"))))
(apply (error fmt (cons proc args)) args)))
(define (icall-wrong-nargs p args)
(let* ((n (car (argspectrum p)))
(nary? (cdr (argspectrum p)))
(id (cond ((identification p))
(format nil "#{object internal to ~a}"
(get-proc-name (extend-header p)))))))
(error (list "wrong number of arguments to procedure -~%"
"**~10t~a~%**~10t~a takes~a ~a argument~p.~%")
(cons id args)
(if nary? " at least" "")
(define (cont-wrong-nargs p . args)
(let* ((m (length args))
(n (car (argspectrum p)))
(nary? (cdr (argspectrum p))))
(error "returned ~a value~p when~a ~a ~a expected -~%**~10t~s~%"
(if nary? " at least" "")
(if (fx= n 1) "was" "were")
(cons (or (identification p) p) args))))
(define (apply-too-many-args proc)
(nc-error "exceeded maximum number of arguments while applying ~a"
(define (handle-undefined-effect string template)
(nc-error "undefined effect - ~a ~%**~10tin procedure ~s~%"
(or (get-proc-name template) 'anonymous)))
(define (heap-overflow-error)
(nc-error "heap overflow"))
(define (undefined-effect . stuff)
(error "call to ~s~% ~s" 'undefined-effect `(undefined-effect . ,stuff)))
(define (error fmt . args)
(if (not *z?*)
(signal-error *unspecific-error-type* fmt args)
(apply vm-error 'Z fmt args)))
(define (non-continuable-error fmt . args)
(if (not *z?*)
(signal-error *non-continuable-error-type* fmt args)
(apply vm-error 'ZNC fmt args))
(define nc-error non-continuable-error)
(define (not-continuable)
(error "The error you encountered is not continuable.")
;;; Warnings.
(define (warning fmt . args)
(let* ((flag (warn))
(out (cond ((false? flag) (null-port))
(else (error-output)))))
(format out "~&;** Warning: ")
(apply format out fmt args)
(fresh-line out)
(if (eq? flag 'break) (breakpoint) (no-value))))
;;; Three settings true, false, or 'BREAK.
;++ need a better name, maybe break-on-warning
(define-simple-switch warn
(lambda (val)
(or (eq? val '#f) (eq? val '#t) (eq? val 'break)))
;;; Language level errors.
(define (losing-xcond)
(error "no clause selected in ~s expression" 'xcond))
(define (losing-xcase)
(error "no clause selected in ~s expression" 'xcase))
(define (losing-xselect)
(error "no clause selected in ~s expression" 'xselect))
;;; Undefined values
(define (undefined-value . stuff)
(cond ((null? stuff)
;; Don't close over STUFF
(object nil
((print self port)
(format port "#{Undefined-value~_~a}"
(object-hash self)))))
(object nil
((print self port)
(format port "#{Undefined-value~_~a"
(object-hash self))
(walk (lambda (x) (format port "~_~a" x))
(write-char port #\}))))))
(define undefined-if-value (undefined-value "undefined IF value"))
(define unbound-label (undefined-value "unbound label"))
(define let-missing-initializer (undefined-value "LET missing initializer"))
(define no-more-cond-clauses (undefined-value "no more COND clauses"))
(define case-fell-off-end (undefined-value "CASE fell off end"))
(define select-fell-off-end (undefined-value "SELECT fell off end"))